Babytherapy Advanced - Twin Loss


Sooner or later you will realize you have a baby in your practice who is dealing with a lost twin issue. Lost twin baby body language is different from other P&P language (will be addressed in the class). At first it can be challenging to recognize, and until recognized it is impossible to feel completely confident as to how best to work with it. Twin loss resolution treatment techniques will be taught in the class.


As with other BBL, once you recognize and are informed by the gestures, treatment protocols emerge, including some of the standard ones: listen with compassion; engage with the prominent presenter when the time is right; obey the healing requests of the baby; and make sure the parents are content and saturated in what the baby has said/requested (and may continue to say/request at home).


You will learn how to avoid projecting your own lost twin issues onto the baby. Even details of your recapitulations can send you in the wrong direction: this class will help you recognize and avoid such complications. If you are insecure or tentative you may semiconsciously obfuscate the bridge of understanding BBL gestures such that parents may become reliant on you. If you are a trust-in-the-process practitioner, you may send the family home, whilst they are still treading water in the lost twin cosmos. If you are in the service of sacred harmony, you will pray to be guided to the highest way to support, in tolerable depth, exactly what the parents need, and encourage both of them to develop a get-on-the-same- page commitment.


This will bring up their twin stuff. Lovely. So you may end up with 3 patients, and in class we will briefly discuss a family counseling model, and how to do it in the terms of twin loss.


Twin loss BBL is sometimes a gesture within a gesture, such as a look of Divine Homesickness that contains within it a very personal or crystalized expression of not just abandonment, but personified abandonment: the reaction to an experience arising not just around the so-called loss of the divine, but also the loss of the twin which may have personified the divine connection.


Twin loss BBL can be difficult to recognize, and when it is recognized as BBL it can be difficult to identify it for what it is. This is true especially for practitioners who have unresolved twin issues, or for those who have not had a prenatal twin. This class is designed to help you recognize twin loss and to treat it so as to resolve the underlying forlorn state that expresses itself in symptoms. The work with the parents is critical, and their compassionate understanding of the twin loss issue is as critical as the work with the baby.


Certain pure states of alone-ness, lost-ness, emptiness, can be ecstatically beautiful and simultaneously nearly intolerable. Losing a twin, a good twin, a bad twin, a this twin, a that twin is a major bummer, another one of the ‘mean mysteries’ of human journeying.


Departing twins recede through a special portal that can be glowing with a little peek into another domain, or muddy like black-water quicksand…or, or, or. That portal leaves a trace which organizes the morphic field in which the psyche and soul of the prenate steeps.
Sometimes the practitioner can find the echo of that portal in relation to the patient’s body, and you can orient to it as an energetic fulcrum in the field that can be palatable: there is a wobble, a hiccup, as banana peel.


If you can identify with the surviving twin, you realized there was a body that carried the ‘friend’ down with you and it may starting to decompose or mummify. How do we reconcile this, especially if we were the beloved who wanted to return through that portal. The dumbfounding moment of witnessing, even participating in, the death of the beloved is a big bang of its own, creating a vibration at the level of the soul that underlies every subsequent step of life. When the beloved is suddenly just gone in a blizzard of shock, amnesia is normally the balm that softens the blows, but the body can still be acting out the impacts of those blows, while no one understands.




09.11. - 12.11.2017

Kurszeiten: 09.11.2017    9:00-16:30

 10.11.2017  10:00-18:00

 11.11.2017   10:00-18:00

 12.11.2017   10:00-18:00



Shambala- Zentrum für ganzheitliche Gesundheitsbildung und persönliche Entfaltung

1080 Wien, Josefstädterstr. 5 / 1.Stock / Raum JS 1


Kursleitung: Karlton Terry

Assistenz: Claudia Versluis

Kurssprache: Englisch - Schulenglisch ist ausreichend (Übersetzung von Fachausdrücken bei Bedarf) 


Organisation und Anmeldung: Claudia Versluis



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Ray Castellino!

Ray ist am 13. Dezember 2020, um 7:00 Uhr verstorben.

Sein Atem ging langsam und rhythmisch, seine Augen waren geschlossen, er war in den Armen eines geliebten Menschen... und dann gab es keinen weiteren Atemzug......



Das IPPE Team ist voller Dankbarkeit diesen großen Menschen kennengelernt zu haben. Ray hat seine letzten 30 Lebensjahre den Müttern und Vätern, Schwangeren und Babys gewidmet.