
Class 4
Tracking Perinatal Signals

Umbilical Life––The Epochol Story, Prenatal Memory Signals

Even before birth, every baby has lived myriad experiences, crossed many milestones, and accomplished developmental processes the likes of which will never be equaled. Besides the birth related gestures of baby body language, babies also describe, quite clearly, aspects of their prenatal life that need attention. As with their perinatal language, babies guide the session once they feel safe and know they are accurately perceived.

This class teaches the many prenatal signals that babies convey with their gestures and sounds:  their baby body language. Some babies are very specific about their requests for empathy and support. Other babies exhibit a tangle of multiple gesticulations needing teasing apart in order to be understood. Recognizing the frequency and intensity of individual gestures is necessary to prioritize the requests so that the prominent and dominant issue can be addressed.

A baby's prenatal issues can be organized around an early trauma that occurred when the baby was most vulnerable. Sometimes though, the prominent presenting "affect" is expressive of a subsequent trauma that occurred later in life but with greater intensity. Also, certain prominent issues arise from a minor trauma that occurred repetitively, or from a need that was consistently unmet. This class is designed to give the therapist confidence in recognizing and prioritizing prenatal signals of the baby's request for empathy and assistance.


Neue Einführungskurse Intro in Wien:

20. - 22.06.2025

05. - 07.09.2005

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2024 - 2027


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Einführung Babytherapy

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Level 1

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Level 2

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IPPE nimmt Abschied von

Ray Castellino!

Ray ist am 13. Dezember 2020, um 7:00 Uhr verstorben.

Sein Atem ging langsam und rhythmisch, seine Augen waren geschlossen, er war in den Armen eines geliebten Menschen... und dann gab es keinen weiteren Atemzug......



Das IPPE Team ist voller Dankbarkeit diesen großen Menschen kennengelernt zu haben. Ray hat seine letzten 30 Lebensjahre den Müttern und Vätern, Schwangeren und Babys gewidmet.