Einführung Babytherapy - BMR                  Level 2 - Kurs 1

In search of the Prominent Presenter

Level II: Class 1 

Working with a Baby


Prominent Presenter & Implicit Memory Illumination

In the first class, Karlton will demo how to use the BMR diagram protocols and the Prenatal Affect/Presenter Chart (you will receive a copy) so participants can follow along as Karlton determines the Prominent Presenter.  Karlton will work with the baby’s photos submitted by a participant who is working with a baby client. Once the Implicit Memory Illumination “IMI '' is complete, and the Prominent Presenter is identified, Karlton will work with the therapist to undertake healing protocols for the baby based on what has been illuminated. 


Karlton will work with the demo baby photo to bring awareness of the implicit memories that were forced into hiding so they can now be illuminated, understood, shared, and released from the systems of the baby. 


Learning Objectives: 

  • Review BMR annotation skills on a baby photo
  • Describe a BMR to a parent
  • Help the therapist surf the efficiency of the BMR → Prominent Presenter --> Implicit Memory Illumination
  • Learn how to use the Perinatal Affect/Presenter Checklist
  • Observe Karlton interact with the therapist as he suggests a few potential healing modalities, and/or spontaneously comes up with ideas to help the baby and family heal and thrive




Neue Einführungskurse Intro in Wien:

21. - 23.06.2024

06. - 08.09.2024

hier geht es zur Anmeldung


Prozessgruppe in Wien




Ein neuer Foundationkurs startet 12.11. - 17.11.2024.


Neue Babytherapy Weiterbildung  in Planung.

Hier geht es zur unverbindlichen Anmeldung


Einführung Babytherapy

Webinar Birth Masks Reveal mit Karlton Terry

Level 1

    Kursbeginn 13.02.2023

Level 2

    Kursbeginn 06.11.2023

Hier geht es zur Anmeldung


Hier geht es zu allen weiteren Kursen


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IPPE nimmt Abschied von

Ray Castellino!

Ray ist am 13. Dezember 2020, um 7:00 Uhr verstorben.

Sein Atem ging langsam und rhythmisch, seine Augen waren geschlossen, er war in den Armen eines geliebten Menschen... und dann gab es keinen weiteren Atemzug......




Das IPPE Team ist voller Dankbarkeit diesen großen Menschen kennengelernt zu haben. Ray hat seine letzten 30 Lebensjahre den Müttern und Vätern, Schwangeren und Babys gewidmet.