Einführung Babytherapy - BMR                  Level 1 - Kurs 2

Asymmetry Analysis, Compression Force


Class 2: Asymmetry Analysis, Compression Force


Pediatric statistics show that a broken noses occur in up to 30% of births. But a baby’s nose does not need to be completely broken to produce one, or multiple, noticeable life-long asymmetries. Further, BMR compassion requires a higher standard as to what is considered a broken bone.*3 Most everyone has a nose that slants in one direction or the other. Slants are caused by pressure against the nose from the maternal bones while the baby is rotating. The number and severity of nasal slants are influenced by:

a. the position and location of the baby’s head

b. rotations made by the baby’s head

c. the depth of the baby's descent into the pelvis

d. intensity of efforts, and length of efforts, exerted by the baby

e. progress along directions attempted by the baby, or how the baby was

    pushed by contractions

f. width or narrowness of the pelvis

g. body positions the mother takes based on her pain navigation


h. whether or not medications (and what kind) were involved



How many times were these noses pushed sideways, back and forth, or actually broken?


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20. - 22.06.2025

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Einführung Babytherapy

Webinar Birth Masks Reveal mit Karlton Terry

Level 1

    Kursbeginn 13.02.2023

Level 2

    Kursbeginn 06.11.2023

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Ray Castellino!

Ray ist am 13. Dezember 2020, um 7:00 Uhr verstorben.

Sein Atem ging langsam und rhythmisch, seine Augen waren geschlossen, er war in den Armen eines geliebten Menschen... und dann gab es keinen weiteren Atemzug......




Das IPPE Team ist voller Dankbarkeit diesen großen Menschen kennengelernt zu haben. Ray hat seine letzten 30 Lebensjahre den Müttern und Vätern, Schwangeren und Babys gewidmet.