
Kurs 2 - Geburt Phase 2 - Rotational Cranium


In dieser Phase geht es um die Rotation des Kopfes, um an den Sitzbeinknochen des mütterlichen Beckens vorbei zu kommen. Dies ist eine beträchtliche Herausforderung und beinhaltet viele Komplikationsmöglichkeiten. Die vier grundlegenden Typen des weiblichen Beckens und die entsprechenden Kopf-Rotations-Stile werden besprochen. Auch diese Erfahrungen bringen Haltungs-, Bewegungs- und Verhaltensmuster hervor, die das spätere Leben prägen. Anästhetika und Schmerzmittel, die in diesem Stadium eine besonders große Rolle spielen, beeinträchtigen bzw. unterbrechen das pränatale Bonding in einer kritischen Phase.


Class 2
Stage 2 of Birth:  Rotational Cranium

Each of the subsequent classes on birth follows much the same format as that established in the first class. In the Stage 2 class we begin with the description of the somatic biology of the baby's cranium, and what must be undertaken for the birth to proceed.

Stage one ends when the baby's progress is halted by the ischial spines of the mother. Humans are the only mammals that have to rotate their heads to be born, and along with this necessity come considerable challenges on a physical level. Each of the four basic maternal pelvic types is described in this class. Depending upon the pelvic types of the mother and the depth of descent of the baby into the pelvis, various Stage 2 or rotation styles result:  normal (anterior rotation), posterior rotation, zigzag process, corkscrew, and sometimes "turtling." These early and original experiences create postural and movement patterns as well as psychological consequences.

Although Stage 2, as defined by Sills and Emerson, is usually the shortest of the birth stages––the psychological consequences are multiple. Some of the psychological consequences examined will include: how we make decisions, how we evaluate consequences and thereby make choices, relationships between fear (doubt) and commitment, balance issues, orientation issues, and how pain confusion and disorientation affects our connectedness to intuition and purpose.

Often mothers begin to experience more pain at this stage and sometimes ask for pain relief. Babies, who are most likely suffering even more than the mothers are often not considered during the dosage calculations and administration of epidurals, anesthesia, analgesia, and other medications. These interventions to the birth process tend to truncate or eliminate altogether perinatal bonding, and the mother's ability to be present with or connected to her baby during the birth process. The psychological consequences of these interventions will be discussed in overview during this class.

As with all of the classes in the Foundation Course, students will undertake research and repatterning regressions through experiential exercises and individual processes.



Neue Einführungskurse Intro in Wien:

20. - 22.06.2025

05. - 07.09.2005

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Prozessgruppe in Wien




Aktueller Foundationkurs

2024 - 2027


Neue Babytherapy Weiterbildung  in Planung.

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Einführung Babytherapy

Webinar Birth Masks Reveal mit Karlton Terry

Level 1

    Kursbeginn 13.02.2023

Level 2

    Kursbeginn 06.11.2023

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IPPE nimmt Abschied von

Ray Castellino!

Ray ist am 13. Dezember 2020, um 7:00 Uhr verstorben.

Sein Atem ging langsam und rhythmisch, seine Augen waren geschlossen, er war in den Armen eines geliebten Menschen... und dann gab es keinen weiteren Atemzug......



Das IPPE Team ist voller Dankbarkeit diesen großen Menschen kennengelernt zu haben. Ray hat seine letzten 30 Lebensjahre den Müttern und Vätern, Schwangeren und Babys gewidmet.