Kurs 5 - Pränatale Phasen Teil 1 - Implantation
Nach den vier Kursen zu den Geburtsphasen sind die Teilnehmer bereit, tiefer in die Ursprünge ihrer emotionalen und spirituellen Entwicklung einzutauchen.
In diesem Kurs widmen wir uns der Reise von Ei und Spermium und deren Vereinigung bei der Empfängnis. Dann folgen wir der Blastozyste durch den Eileiter, ihrem Fall in die Gebärmutter und ihrer Einnistung in die Gebärmutterwand. Die Struktur dieses Kurses unterstützt die Teilnehmer, ihre eigenen frühen Pfade von der Zeugung in Richtung Geburt zu erforschen.
Class 5
Implantation, in some ways an even bigger miracle that birth, occurs during just a few days, but its impacts are pervasive, affecting the entire physical body including stem cells. Only about
40-60% of blastocysts survive this megalithic prenatal stage. Fundamental response patterns are organized affecting how we relate to money, food, and intimacy. Furthermore, existential
ambivalence and shame can result from shocking experiences during Implantation. In this class the biology and progress of the human organism is described from the stage of the hungry hatched
blastocyst to the implanted stage where we enter the endometrium and are finally engulfed by the closing plug. Next we take a guided group journey through the fallopian tube, the Fall, and
Hatching. Afterwards triad regressions will be undertaken first to the Contact and Connection stages, then to the Merging and Union stages. The fourth regression will involve exploring the
Primary Implantation Constellation, a theme that is most prominent and can sometimes be present through all of these stages. The final regression is a re-patterning process to help us shift the
neurology, compulsions, and patterned behavior that resulted from our Implantation wounding. The last day is for integration and resourcing.